VIP Customized Pack is a limited-time event.

99 Balen Customized Pack[]
- First Slot
One of the following:
- 20x Breakthrough Orb
- 20x Carving Stone
- 50x Talent Stone
- Second Slot
One of the following:
- 10x Mount Hoof
- 50x Mount Training Whip
- 50x Sack of Gold
399 Balen Customized Pack[]
- First Slot
One of the following:
- 20x Vengeful Crystal
- 4x Beast Heart
- 200x Goddess Heart Shard
- 13x Symbiosis Stone
- Second Slot
One of the following:
- 2x Cuties Basic Material Chest
- 40x Smelting Stone
- 100x Book of Wisdom
- 50x Basic Stone of Judgement Chest
1999 Balen Customized Pack[]
- First Slot
One of the following:
- 2x Rare Shard Pack
- 2x Resistance Stone of Judgement Chest
- Second Slot
One of the following:
- 25x Terra Seal
- 50x Hone
- Third Slot
One of the following:
- 300x Book of Wisdom
- 60x Wave Crystal