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Astral gathering is unlocked at Level 25. In astral gathering, you can spend an amount of gold to obtain one random astral. Each astral gathered may also unlock the next astro, allowing you to collect a better astral from it. Every astral gathered also grants one or more Star Points, which can be used to buy special astrals.

Once you gather an astral, you can choose to sell, synthesize, or collect it. If you choose to collect or synthesize it, you won't be able to sell it later (though you will be able to synthesize already collected astrals).

Some astrals start dropping after level 50 and 80, possibly after Class Advancement, though all astrals from astral exchange can be bought any time; also Astrals cannot be gathered when you have under 20,000 gold, even if the cost to gather is lower.

Equipping Astrals

One Astral equip slot unlocks every 10 levels, so when astral gathering first unlocks, you can equip 2 astrals. The third slot unlocks at level 30, the fourth at 40, etc. However, you can't equip two Astrals that boost the same stat (e.g. Aegis and Goddess Blessing, or two Mysticality).

Astral Value

An astral's "value" is simply 1/10th of its total experience, including the experience needed to reach its current level and its experience value at level 1. The total value of all astrals you have equipped is displayed in the upper left-hand corner of the astral inventory screen. Astral value is conserved when astrals are converted into experience for other astrals, so the total value of all of your astrals will never go down.


Each astral gathered may also unlock the next astro, allowing you to collect one astral from it.

Astro Cost (gold) Star Points Astral Types
Magus Star 4,000 1 40% Gray, 60% Green.
Ceres 5,000 2 30% Gray, 30% Green, 40% Blue.
Pallas 6,000 3 Gray, 10% Green, 70% Blue, and <20% Purple.
Saturn 8,000 4 Gray, Green, Blue, Purple, and Orange.
Chiron 10,000 5 5% Gray, 5% Green, 30% Blue, 30% Purple, 20% Orange, and 10% Red.

Possible Astrals



Misfortune is a special astral, meant to signify a "bad result". It can't be collected, but can be sold for 1200 gold.

Green Astrals

These sell for 3600 gold if you choose not to collect them, and can be converted to 10 EXP for another astral.

Astral Name Description
Brutality PATK +72/level
Mysticality MATK +72/level
Fortitude PDEF +72/level
Willpower MDEF +72/level
Sniper's Edge Critical +72/level
Enshieldment Block +72/level
Brilliance HP +200/level

Blue Astrals

These sell for 6,000 gold if you choose not to collect them, and can be converted to 30 EXP for another astral.

Astral Name Description
Enhanced Force PATK +108/level
Enhanced Mysticality MATK +108/level
Enhanced Fortitude PDEF +108/level
Enhanced Willpower MDEF +108/level
Enhanced Sniper's Edge Critical +108/level
Enhanced Enshieldment Block +108/level
Enhanced Brilliance HP+300/level
Charm Charisma +18/level
Pristine Goddess Blessing Reduce all damage values 10/level
Blessed Health 10% chance to gain 100 HP/level when attacking

Purple Astrals

These sell for 8,400 gold if you choose not to collect them, and can be converted to 50 EXP for another astral.

Astral Name Description
Refined Force PATK +144/level
Refined Mysticality MATK +144/level
Refined Fortitude PDEF +144/level
Refined Willpower MDEF +144/level
Refined Sniper's Edge Critical +144/level
Refined Enshieldment Block +144/level
Refined Brilliance HP +400/level
Refined Charm Charisma +24/level
Will Destroyer Disables crit damage when attacking, but damage is increased by 2%/level
Ruthlessness Floating damage expands by 3%/level
Determination Crit base damage increased by 3%/level
Deflection 10% chance to reflect 5%/level of damage received
Goddess Blessing Reduce all damage by 2%/level
Aegis Reduce all damage values 20/level
Illusion Increases chance of dodging damage by 1%/level
Guardian Angel Chance of receiving critical reduced by 3%/level
Regeneration Regain HP equivalent to 5%/level of damage dealt, 10% trigger rate
Enhanced Blessed Health 10% chance to gain 200 HP/level when attacking

Orange Astrals

These sell for 10800 gold if you choose not to collect them, and can be converted to 70 EXP for another astral. Obtaining an orange astral causes a system message to appear showing it to everyone currently online. Orange Astrals may be exchanged for 7000 Points.

Astral Name Description
Pristine Force PATK +216/level
Pristine Mysticality MATK +216/level
Pristine Fortitude PDEF +216/level
Pristine Willpower MDEF +216/level
Pristine Sniper's Edge Critical +216/level
Pristine Enshieldment Block +216/level
Pristine Brilliance HP +500/level
Pristine Charm Charisma +36/level
Fury Attack PATK +144/level
Penetration +144/level
Concentrated Attack MATK +144/level
Penetration +144/level
Pristine Vigor

Critical +144/level

Penetration +144/level

The following astrals have orange as their highest level:

Astral Name Description
Enhanced Will Destroyer Disables crit damage when attacking, but damage is increased by 5%/level
Enhanced Ruthlessness Floating damage expands by 7%/level
Enhanced Determination Crit base damage increased by 5%/level
Enhanced Deflection 10% chance to reflect 10%/level of damage received, cause 50,000 damage at the most
Refined Goddess Blessing Reduce all damage by 3%/level
Aegis Major Reduce all damage values by 40/level
Enhanced Illusion Increases chance of dodging damage by 2%/level
Enhanced Guardian Angel Chance of receiving crit damage reduced by 5%/level
Enhanced Regeneration Regain HP equivalent to 10%/level of damage dealt, 10% trigger rate, max. 50,000 HP
Refined Blessed Health 10% chance to gain 400 HP/level when attacking

Red Astrals

Red Astrals, though difficult to capture, offer the highest possible stat boosts. Red Astrals may be exchanged for 15,000 Points except for Energine, which costs 1000 Points. Obtaining an red astral causes a system message to appear showing it to everyone currently online.

Astral Name Description
Energine a special red astral that is worth 500 astral experience
Greater Energine a special red astral that is worth 2500 astral experience
Holy Force PATK +288/level
Holy Mysticality MATK +288/level
Holy Fortitude PDEF +288/level
Holy Willpower MDEF +288/level
Holy Sniper's Edge Critical +288/level
Holy Enshieldment Block +288/level
Holy Brilliance HP +750/level
Holy Charm Charisma +48/level
Sacred Gemini PATK +216/level
Penetration +216/level

Sacred Pisces

MATK +216/level
Penetration +216/level

Holy Vigor

Critical +216/level

Penetration +216/level

EXP Tables

Total EXP to reach a level
Level Green Blue Purple Orange Red
2 50 70 100 150 220
3 250 570 700 1,150 1,930
4 850 1,970 3,700 8,350 13,450
5 2,050 4,770 9,700 22,750 36,490
6 4,450 10,370 21,700 51,550 82,570
7 9,250 21,570 45,700 109,150 174,730
8 18,850 43,970 93,700 224,350 359,050
9 38,050 88,770 189,700 454,750 727,690
10 76,450 178,370 381,700 915,550 1,464,970

Level By Level Experience

Level Green Blue Purple Orange Red
2 50 70 100 150 220
3 200 500 600 1,000 1,710
4 600 1,400 3,000 7,200 11,520
5 1,200 2,800 6,000 14,400 23,040
6 2,400 5,600 12,000 28,800 46,080
7 4,800 11,200 24,000 57,600 92,160
8 9,600 22,400 48,000 115,200 184,320
9 19,200 44,800 96,000 230,400 368,640
10 38,400 89,600 192,000 460,800 737,280

Star Point Exchange

Clicking the "Exchange" button on the astral collection screen brings up a shop where astrals can be bought with Star Points. This shop sells:

  • Energine, a special red astral worth 500 astral experience for 1,000 Star Points
  • Greater Energine, a special red astral worth 2500 astral experience for 5,000 star points
  • All other red astrals for 15,000 Star Points each
  • Every orange astral for 7,000 Star Points each
  • Every purple astral for 2,000 Star Points each

Refining astrals

Upon unlocking Class Advancement, players can start refining some of their astral slots. The number of unlocked slot depend on the player's class level.

Each refining costs 1 million gold and gives 1 XP to the slot. Like in mount refining, there is an odd chance of getting 5 XP instead.

One full level of refining adds 1% of value to any astral sloted here. There is one particularity to note tho :

  • On fixed number astrals (like Block and PDEF), the new astral value is (1 + x%) * fixed value

For example :

On a "2% refined" slot, a "+2304 PATK" astral would now be worth (2304 * 1.02) = 2350

  • On percentage astrals (like illusion and determination), on the other hand, the new value would be (base + x)%

For example

On a "3% refined" slot, the 18% chances of dodging damage of an Enhanced illusion lvl9 would become 21%

XP needed per level

Level Blessing Astral Effect
0 (default) +0%
1 10 +1%
2 16 +2%
3 54 +3%
4 128 +4%
5 250 +5%
6 432 +6%
7 686 +7%
8 1024 +8%
9 1458 +9%
10 2000 +10%


Sell or collect green astrals?

If you're tring to gain experience for your current astrals, then it makes no difference; 10 experience for an astral costs an average of 3600 golds whether you're selling your green astrals or collecting them. You may as well collect them to save time.

If you're trying to obtain a strong astral to use, however (and the green astral itself would not be useful), then sell. The 10 experience you would have gotten will come back to you in the form of a few star points and a chance at a better astral. Also, selling green astrals will make a significant difference in how fast you rack up star points, so this is another aspect.

If you want a better chance at gaining higher astrals and getting more bang for your buck so to speak then set up your astrals so that you sell everything blue or less. The reason for this is with any luck you will get a lot of blue and since blue is worth 30 exp and 6000 gold you will be making a profit and regain all or most that you have lost. On top of that you will have a much better chance at gaining orange and purple astrals which are worth 50 and 70 exp and you will gain a decent amount of star points boosting you up higher.

Enhanced/Refined Blessed Health vs. (Enhanced) Regeneration

If you want to choose Enhanced/Refined Blessed Health or (Enhanced) Regeneration, you should consider the average damage you do in your opponents. Usually, players with low Battle Rating will use Refined/Enhanced Blessed Health and players with high Battle Rating will use  (Enhanced) Regeneration.

If most of the time you do more or equal than 4,000 of damage, then you should use Enhanced Regeneration or Regeneration.

If most of the time you do less than 4,000 of damage, then you should use Refined Blessed Health or Enhanced Blessed Health.

Aegis (Major) vs. (Refined) Goddess Blessing

If you want to choose Aegis (Major) or (Refined) Goddess Blessing, you should consider your average damage you receive from your opponents.

If most of the time you receive more or equal than 1,333 of damage, then you should use Refined Goddess Blessing or Goddess Blessing.

If most of the time you do Less than 1,333 of damage, then you should useAegis Major or Aegis.

(Enhanced) Will Destroyer vs. (Enhanced) Determination

If your hero is an Archer, you should not use theEnhanced Will Destroyer/Will Destroyer because you will lose the benefit of class-specific abilities, such as receiving rage after each critical (Acumen passive skill) and boosting damage dealt by all teammates after a critical (Battle Prowess passive skill).

If you are using a Knight or a Mage , you should prefer Enhanced Will Destroyer/Will Destroyer. Remember not to combine any of these 2 astrals with Critical Astrals; Determination or Sniper's Edge.
